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Menstrual Cup Use: Pros & Cons

For menstruators, “that time of month” requires us to plan and purchase, but we may want to think how we can protect, too. The impact of period products on our planet is significant. But fortunately, just a simple swap can make a world of difference. Let’s take a look at menstrual cup use, as well as its pros and cons. 

Why You Should Consider Switching Up Your Period Practices

While there are certainly other things that take priority (like snacks and comfy sweatpants), it’s important to use each month to consider the environmental impact of periods. 

Over the span of their lifetime, someone who menstruates will use between 5,000 and 15,000 pads and tampons. Worse, they’ll throw away around 400 pounds of packaging that these period products come in. Oftentimes, these panty liners, pads, and tampons are made with plastic that can take around 500 to 1,000 years to degrade. 

Unfortunately, it’s not just our planet that bears the burden of these products, but our budgets and bodies, too! Someone who menstruates will spend around $13.25 a month on period products, equating around $6,360 for all of the years that they use them! Not to mention that pads and tampons are often associated with endocrine disrupting pesticide residues, as well as plastics, fragrance, furans, and dioxins that have been associated with cancer and reproductive toxicity.

There’s gotta be a better way, right? While organic cotton pads and tampons provide some peace of mind about potential toxins, menstrual cups have emerged as the safest, most sustainable, and most cost-effective way to deal with the monthly bleed. 

Menstrual Cups

In fact, while they may have a larger up-front cost, the long lifespan of a menstrual cup (around 10 years if properly taken care of) makes it by far the most economical decision. Let’s take a look at some of the other benefits of menstrual cups. 

But first, what is a menstrual cup?

A menstrual cup is a small cup that’s made with flexible silicone or latex. Unlike a pad or tampon that absorbs your flow, it collects it in the cup to be emptied at your convenience. While it has to be folded to be inserted, it will open up to rest against the vaginal wall. If inserted correctly, it will prevent leaks and you won’t feel it at all. 

Pros of Menstrual Cups

Menstrual cups are wallet-friendly.

As previously mentioned, an initial investment of $20-40 can last ten years. Paired with reusable organic pantyliners, someone could go years without paying for period products!

Menstrual cups can be worn longer. 

Unlike tampons that need to be changed every 4 to 8 hours, a menstrual cup can be left in for up to 12 hours before being emptied. For overnight protection, there’s no better option. 

Menstrual cups are superior for heavy flows.

Better than even super-absorbent tampons or pads, a typical menstrual cup can hold about twice as much liquid (roughly one ounce). 

Menstrual cups reduce period odor.

Menstrual blood can take on a strong smell when exposed to air. Because it forms an airtight seal, a menstrual cup will prevent odors coming from “down there.”

Menstrual cups are healthier.

Not only are they free of some of the toxins previously mentioned, but unlike tampons, they don’t dry out the vagina. This helps to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria that protects you from vaginal infections. 

Menstrual cups are environmentally-friendly. 

Menstrual cups reduce water usage and waste. Not only that, but a menstrual cup produces just 0.4% or 6% of the plastic waste that single-use pads and tampons accumulate, respectively! 

Cons of Menstrual Cups

There’s a learning curve when it comes to how to use a menstrual cup. 

It can take some time to find the best menstrual cup for you—and then get it to fit right! This is particularly true for those who have a low cervix or tilted uterus. If you’re ready to make the commitment, be sure to give it several months and some trial and error before it works perfectly. 

Removal in public settings can be… tricky.

Because the menstrual cup should be rinsed out before being re-inserted, you’ll need to have access to a sink. This can make use in a public restroom difficult, but you can bring your own water bottle to rinse it in the stall, using toilet paper to wipe it clean before putting it back in. 

It may interfere with an IUD.

If you have an intrauterine device (IUD), a menstrual cup could possibly dislodge it. If you plan on using both, it’s recommended that you speak with your doctor first. 

Menstrual Cup: Part of An Eco-Friendly Bathroom

At Green Eco Dream, we sifted through the best menstrual cup brands, ending up with Glad Rags Menstrual Cup and Saalt Menstrual Cups. They’re part of our Feminine Care range which is better for you, your wallet, and our planet. When you see that first sign of red, we’re here to help you turn it green.

To help you transition to a more sustainable period, use code BLOG10 and save 10% on your first order!


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