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Sustainability Trivia: Questions and Answers

Trivia time! If you’re an eco-enthusiast hoping to expand your sustainability knowledge, look no further. We’ve collected five categories of fun eco-trivia that’s sure to stump even some of the smartest environmentalists. Turn these questions into a game night with friends, or ask your family some questions over dinner. Maybe even check out some sustainable prizes for the winners. 

Trivia Categories:

    • U.S. Eco-history 
    • Ocean 
    • Animals 
    • Climate Change & Sustainability 
    • Waste By The Numbers

  • Bonus: Green Eco Dream Blog Topics

  • Get ready to challenge yourself and discover some incredible facts about our Earth that might surprise you! 

     Turning Questions into a Game

    In classic trivia, one host asks the players or teams the questions and keeps the score. Players or teams try to answer these questions to earn points. The more correct answers they get, the more points they collect. The person or team with the most points at the end usually wins the game! But what if you got creative with how you played? 

    Trivia Charades

    Combine trivia questions with the excitement of charades! Players can take turns picking a question and then have to act out or mime the answer to the question without speaking while others guess the correct response. For example, if the question is about an animal, the player must act out that animal. 

    Trivia “Takedown”

    In this version of trivia, players challenge each other to answer trivia questions under time pressure. Divide players into pairs or small teams. One player from each team takes turns drawing a card with a trivia question and has a limited time to answer. If they answer correctly within the time limit, their team earns points. 

    The catch? The opposing team can “takedown” the question and steal the points by answering it themselves if the first team gets it wrong! 

     U.S. Eco-History

    The first environmentalists paved the way for some of our daily sustainable habits. We wouldn’t know much about Earth if it weren’t for the scientists, researchers, and activists who teach us about things like climate change and waste pollution! Let’s explore the history of modern sustainability with these questions. 


    1. In 1962, Rachel Carson wrote about the harmful effects of DDT and other pesticides in her best-selling book. This book kick-started the modern environmental movement, spurring awareness of environmental toxins. What was this book called? 
    2. In what year was the first Earth Day celebrated in the United States? 
    3. In which state did the first mandatory curbside pickup recycling program take place in 1980? 
    4. In 2015, this ocean phenomenon was mapped for the first time. Located between California and Hawaii, the area is three times the size of France. It contains 88 thousand tons of floating plastic. What is it called? 
    5. Which was the first National Park? 
    6. Which group of people are often considered the “original environmentalists”?


    1. Silent Spring. 
    2. 1970. Millions of Americans observed the first day, leading to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Clean Air Act. 
    3. Woodbury, New Jersey became the first town to enact a mandatory recycling program with roadside pickup in 1980. 
    4. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The first mapping helped raise awareness of the scale of our plastic pollution problem. 
    5. Yellowstone (1872), followed by Sequoia (1890) and Grand Canyon (1908).
    6. Those indigenous to the United States. Learn more


    Dive into these questions about our Earth’s oceans to test your elementary school memory. 


    1. How many hearts does one octopus have?  
    2. Which U.S. state has the most miles of coastline? 
    3. What is the largest ocean in the world? 
    4. How many oceans does the U.S. border? 
    5. What percentage of our oceans have actually been explored? 
    6. What is the deepest point in our oceans called? 


    1. Octopuses have 3 hearts. One keeps blood pumping through the body, while the other two pump blood by the gills for the Octopus to pick up oxygen. 
    2. Alaska has more miles of shoreline than all of the rest of the United States combined. 
    3. The Pacific Ocean holds half of the world’s water. 
    4. 3, the Atlantic, Pacific, and Artic to the North of Alaska!
    5. Only 5% of our oceans have actually been explored. It is said that we now have more extensive maps of the planet Mars than our oceans. 
    6. The Mariana Trench. It’s roughly 6.8 miles deep.


    Think you’re an animal lover? Think again! These trivia questions might have you stumped. 


    1. What animal has the thickest fur of any mammal? 
    2. There is only one animal that can truly fly. What is it? 
    3. One animal has higher blood pressure than any other. Which one? 
    4. What is the deadliest creature in the world? (Hint: more of an insect than an animal)
    5. What is the #1 most endangered animal at risk of extinction, as of 2023? Bonus points if you can guess others on the top 3 list. 


    1. Sea otters. 
    2. Bats. 
    3. Giraffes. 
    4. Mosquito. 
    5. The Javan Rhino. These rhinos are only found on the island of Java in Indonesia, with a population of around 60 individuals as of 2023. Followed by the Amur Leopard and the Sunda Island Tiger. Mountain gorillas also face extreme endangerment. 

     Climate Change & Sustainability

    These intriguing facts about the climate crisis are useful to know, for trivia and for conversations about our world! 


    1. What is the most commonly littered item in the world? 
    2. Which greenhouse gas contributes most to climate change? 
    3. Which country has the highest electric car use per capita? 
    4. Which brand was the first to turn plastic waste into clothing? 
    5. What country leads the way in waste management and recycling efforts? 
    6. Where should you dispose of batteries? 


    1. Cigarette butts. 
    2. Carbon dioxide. 
    3. Norway. 
    4. Patagonia. 
    5. Germany. 
    6. Designated, official battery collections sites or disposers. Not in your household garbage can!

     By The Numbers

    Give trivia contestants a little wiggle room with these questions. Knowing the exact number is difficult, but knowing a general ballpark deserves some points. You could even make these questions multiple choice. 


    1. Which global industry uses up 70% of our freshwater sources? 
    2. How many plastic razors are thrown away each year? 
    3. Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to power a television for how many hours? 
    4. What is the average amount of time a plastic bag is used? 
    5. What is the average amount of time that plastic bag takes to decompose? 
    6. What percentage of the global population is indigenous?
    7. How many times has Greta Thunberg been arrested? 
    8. How many trees need to be cut down to create paper for one edition of the Sunday New York Times?


    1. Agriculture. 
    2. 2 billion. 
    3. 3 hours. 
    4. 12 minutes. 
    5. Over 1,000 years. Every piece of plastic ever made, unless recycled, is still on Earth. 
    6. The world’s indigenous population makes up 5% of the global population, yet is responsible for the protection of 80% of global biodiversity.
    7. Twice. She has been detained three times and removed from a protest, as well. 
    8. 75,000 trees. 

     Green Eco Dream Blog Topics

    Surprise! Have you checked out any of our blogs these past few months? These trivia questions can be answered with content and information from some of our favorites.


    1. Which materials should never be added to a home compost? 
    2. Which similar material emits 46% less greenhouse gas emissions on average than cotton? 
    3. How much water is wasted annually from household leaks on average? 
    4. What percentage of global sea turtles have eaten or ingested plastic? 
    5. Air travel is responsible for what percentage of global greenhouse gas emissions? 


    1. Meat or dairy products, pet waste, diseased plants, or greasy and oily foods. You can find more information on how to start your own home compost from our blog, Composting DIY: 101 Guide for Beginners.  
    2. Organic cotton! It was a bit of a trick question. To read more about the importance of organic cotton, check out our blog on the topic. 
    3. Household leaks can result in an average family wasting 180 gallons each week, tallying up to a staggering 9,400 gallons of water annually. To put it in perspective, that’s the same amount of water necessary to complete over 300 loads of laundry. Take a deep dive into the role of water conservation in a sustainable lifestyle
    4. Half of all sea turtles. The impact of plastic waste on wildlife is severe, especially in our oceans. 
    5. Air travel has a significant impact on the environment, emitting about 2.5% of global carbon dioxide emissions. Check out these six tips for sustainable travel to learn more. 

     Having Fun with Eco-Trivia

    Was your sustainability knowledge as profound as you originally thought? Whether it’s climate night at your local pub or you played with family and friends, we hope these eco-trivia questions were fun to answer. Our Earth is filled with amazing facts that are hard to believe, making for excellent trivia fodder. By learning about topics like climate change and waste while having fun, we can become better environmentalists ourselves! 

    Sources and Inspiration: 

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